Friday, October 31, 2008

Ten things I Love Bout Halloween

Well I don't really have a favorite thing about the holiday or time of year for that matter. When I was younger yes but it doesn't matter anything to me now all I do is go home and sleep or go work.

Friday, October 24, 2008

I don't really remember any memorable moments of him except that he had a way of saying things that wasnt all that funny and making it funny.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Unexpected Noise

Once there was a boy and a girl named claire who lived in the middle of nowhere somewhere in Arizona. He cowboyed while she stayed at home and tended to the house. Well her being by herself and only having a shotgun with one bullet often got scared of strange noises outside. One night while sitting on the couch watching television she heard an unexpected noise on the porch a growling noise. Quickly she jumped up grabbed the frying pan and slowly walked up to the window to look she got closer the noise got louder. Shaking she gently peeked out the window and to her scare was a giant black bear looking right in on her! Clare screamed and ran to the door to lock it all of the sudden the bear broke through the window. Clare ran to the Kitchen grabbed the shotgun and aimed at the black bear who now was making his way to her, breaking everything in sight. She aimed placed her finger on the trigger......and click it didn't go off Clare looked down at the gun.... duh she thought I got to take it off of safety. So Clare for one more time pulled the trigger and shot the bear right in the heart! The bear backed up threw his paws in the air and tumbled down with a giant earthshaking thud. Relieved Clare thought that she had not only saved her life but now had fresh meat to eat. So that night she cleaned up her prize and froze the meat in the freezer and went to bed. When morning came again Claire heard another noise outside she got up and ran to the door to see who or what it was but this time it was only Jim coming back in from working cattle. Claire grabbed Jim's hand and ran to the freezer to show him her nights catch. Jim laughed and looked at Claire and said " You've been busy haven't you."

Friday, October 3, 2008


I don't really go all out on birthdays anymore if anything I just like spending it with the people that mean the most. But when I was little my mom used to go all out for me. One year I think I was 7 or 8 I had this really huge pool party and like 100 kids showed up! My mom gave an invitation to everyone she knew, she thought it would be a great oppertunity for those kids who don't get to swim much because their parents can't afford it. And hey I held the record for the most kids ever at the swimming pool at one time.....pretty awesome I guess? And if I'm not mistaken that next year when I had my party at the pool I do believe I had 98.... So I do believe that's prolly the best birthday years ever.